Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Social Networking

Social Networking is the way of the future.  A technologically driven generation whom knows nothing else.  Facebook is giving us the opportunity to share what is going on with our lives to family and friends that are countries away.  Twitter is giving us constant updates on anything popular going on in the area.  Instagram is giving us a visual on whatever we want to search for.  Linkedin is providing job opportunities for professionals across the country.  It almost seems like the possibilities are endless.  Now with one click of a button a person's life could change.

As great as all that is for the young adult they are not the only ones that have the ability to use social networking.  Teenagers, who are the root of all evil, have taken these platforms in a different direction.  In "They're Back, and They're Bad: Campus-Gossip Web Sites" by Jeffrey R. Young, cyber bullying is a topic of discussion.  High school teenagers taking shielded shots on a public forum that has no rules.  Between fake accounts and anonymous comments it is almost impossible to find out how or who are behind specific comments.

There are ways these kids can limit the harm to their own self esteem.  My master advice: GET OFFLINE.  Go outside, be active.  Maybe I'm old school but I never had a problem with cyber bullying.  If that advice isn't taken there are privacy settings that can be put into place.  The privacy settings can be intricate and specific but not always enough.  The Wire reported that Marc Zuckerberg failed in the attempt to make a family photo private on the very same social media site that he created.  If the man that made the monster has no control than I don't know who does.

Young, Jeffery R. "They're Back, and They're Bad: Campus-Gossip Web Sites." Chronicle, Web. 05 Oct. 2014

Greenfield, Rebecca. “Facebook Privacy Is So Confusing Even the Zuckerberg Family Photo Isn’t Private.” The Wire. N.p., 26 Dec. 2012.

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