Tuesday, November 11, 2014


If Baruch College began to hire me to handle some forms of improving new media there are a couple of changes I would make.  One thing I would create is a wiki for each class.  This wiki will provide every note or document the professor hands out in class.  I would also try to encourage students to ask questions and help each other through this wiki.  By adding input from individual students, more questions could be answered and more questions could be given than in the classroom.  This is especially useful when the professor is difficult to understand or the topic is unclear.  Come test day everyone should have done similar questions in similar ways making the class as a whole better.  Another new media I would integrate are blogs.  It would be similar to rate my professor but to comment or contribute to this blog you need to be signed in with a Baruch student email address.  That way professors can't get on and write amazing untrue comments about themselves, sullying the site.  As you can see I'm all about helping the students because frankly I feel they do not receive enough help or attention in this school.


  1. I strongly believe this would help so many students out because college is just confusing in general and this would provide so many needed answers to students.

  2. You and I had similar ideas! Definitely a cool and helpful way to make students' learning experience better. The rate my professor aspect would be beneficial to new students considering that the actual rate my professor website doesn't have a lot of up-to-date ratings, although, it's still relatively accurate.
