Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Next New

One type of new media I would like to create is one for nightlife.  It would be similar to yelp but have its niche in the club, bar, lounge, and concert scene.  Basically what you would do go on this media vehicle and search the type of places you would like to go and it will give you recommendations based on your location.  There will be user ratings, comments, pictures, video, and check ins.  The check in will be a big part of this idea.  It works the same way as a check in on Facebook.  Once you get to the club your going to you can check in and it will show on whichever social media site you have synched to.  Eventually celebrities will use this and check in which will make people desire to go to those locations.  The venues can have post certain deals or ticket prices through the site as well.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Wiki So Far

Unfortunately I have yet to add or edit to the class wiki but I do have a couple of ideas.  I was thinking I can talk about how difficult the job market is and how important it is to get internships.  I have orientation for my new internship today so I guess its on my mind.  Internships and building the resume are super important to starting a career with a company of your choosing.

P2P File Sharing

File sharing is basically the exchange of a file or document from one computer to another.  This can be done offline using USB sticks or online through the use of our very good friend, the internet.  P2P file sharing, or peer to peer file sharing is done through the use of similar software makeup on the devices being used.  As long as the software is compatible and the memory space is sufficient anything can be transferred.  One example is how people download music.  Torrents files that contain music, audio, pictures, or documents that can be downloaded by anyone as long as they have to correct application.  I download my music by searching for the album torrent and downloading it through a peer who already has downloaded it onto their computer.  "Digital Pirates Winning Battle With Studios," explains how digital piracy is effecting the revenues of the film industry.  It wasn't explained in the article but they're many more industries being effected by digital piracy.

Works Cited:
Stelter, Brian and Brad Stone. “Digital Pirates Winning Battle With Studios.” The New York Times.4 February 2009. Web. 18 November 2014. < >

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Privacy & Confidentiality

Privacy and confidentiality are things that some people tend to forget about on social media.  Just because you're not specifically saying it to someone doesn't mean they can't find out through the vehicles online.  For example say you're going on an interview for a big company and you think it went very well.  That company is going to go online Google your name and see what comes up.  To find pictures of you blackout wasted or doing other things you're not supposed to is a huge turn off for that company and they don't want to be represented in such a way.  The employee is a constant representation of the company so they are looking for a more conservative candidate.  Its not about how well you can do the job before you get it its about how well you seem like you have your "stuff" together.  Even if its not about applying for a job your peers are judging you through these sites as well.  This could effect interactions in group projects or seeking help in class.  Its a tough concept to grasp but in the case of social media sometimes less is more.


If Baruch College began to hire me to handle some forms of improving new media there are a couple of changes I would make.  One thing I would create is a wiki for each class.  This wiki will provide every note or document the professor hands out in class.  I would also try to encourage students to ask questions and help each other through this wiki.  By adding input from individual students, more questions could be answered and more questions could be given than in the classroom.  This is especially useful when the professor is difficult to understand or the topic is unclear.  Come test day everyone should have done similar questions in similar ways making the class as a whole better.  Another new media I would integrate are blogs.  It would be similar to rate my professor but to comment or contribute to this blog you need to be signed in with a Baruch student email address.  That way professors can't get on and write amazing untrue comments about themselves, sullying the site.  As you can see I'm all about helping the students because frankly I feel they do not receive enough help or attention in this school.