Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Blogs vs. Wikis

Blogs and Wikis are a new and efficient form of communication.  Although they both serve as communication entities they differ in ultimate purpose. A wiki gives a group of people the opportunity to edit each others work, while a blog gives more people access to view the post but not edit.  

Wiki can be used for any number of topics that any number of people can add, delete, or edit.  It is an online system so any user that is connected to a server can utilize its functions.  Wikipedia is the largest wiki on the web.  It has topics about anything and everything.  The downside to this site is anyone can edit it.  A lot of professors don't like students to use Wikipedia for that reason.  They believe the information is too frequently changed that it is not a credible source.  Diplopedia is a wiki site that an organization can depend on, as Noam Cohen describes.  The site's main use is to keep up to date information about political figures.

Blogs are a new form of a journal or an article for a writer.  It gives billions of people access to view what the blogger posts about.  These posts can vary from a child's first little league game or sketchy actions from a household neighbor.  Wilson spoke about how specific blog posts basically monitored the activity of this neighbor which led to a police investigation and conviction.  Blog links can be carried out by other forms of social media to have even more people view it as well.  No one can edit these posts besides the publisher.

Cohen, Noam. "An Internal Wiki That's Not Classified." The New York Times. The New York Times, 3 Aug. 2008. Web. 29 Sept. 2014. <http://www.nytimes.com/2008/08/04/business/media/04link.html?_r=0>.
Wilson, Michael. "Brooklyn Blog Helps Lead To Drug Raid." The New York Times. The New York Times, 25 June 2008. Web. 29 Sept. 2014. <http://www.nytimes.com/2008/06/26/nyregion/26bayridge.html>.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Social Networking: Better or worse than the real thing?

My topic of "Social Networking: Better or worse than the real thing?" will discuss the pros and cons to both sides of the scenario.  I for one think the real think it is better but you can reach more people using the internet.  They're a lot of different entities and tools that go into this topic and I believe New Media will be a large part of it.  This doesn't just apply to social settings, it can go into many different types of businesses and organizations.